Friday, 4 December 2015

Cut your coat according to your cloth

If you expect a tailor to stitch a suit, however if  the cloth is less, he will never be able to stitch the suit. As this maxim says if the size of the coat is bigger than the piece of cloth and you start cutting without taking its measurement what will be the result? The coat will be unfit or the cloth will be wasted. So it is necessary to cut your coat according to  the cloth in hand. This maxim can be explained that it is very important to make a plan before you put any task into practice.

This is also true with a person's income and expenditure. Any person should not spend more than what he earns. A person who spends more than his income falls into trouble. To cater to his increased expenditure he will definitely take loans, to repay the loans and interest, he again takes loans.  This results in increased loans and debts, and he is  unable to repay his loans and debts, moreover his income has not increased. He has to face several hardships and problems too. The maxim says that we should learn to live within our means and resources. Those who do not have a balance  with these two aspects have miserable lives. There should be a perfect harmony between a person's income and expenditure. Our wise ancestors always preached that spend lesser than what you earn and save for bad days ahead.

But nowadays most people are facing these problem . In this age of competition. Everyone wants to fulfill his desires at any cost to leave others behind in the race of competition. Moreover the various modern facilities  provided by  banks and financial institutions i.e. credit cards, low interest rate loans, attractive loans on consumer  durables. This has added to the rash decisions of the younger generation who never think  of  tomorrow. Everyone knows the truth that if they will spend more than their income they will fall in some or the other peril but they can't resist the desires. It causes troubles and frictions in the family life. This proverb is so apt in today's world and signifies so much.

This also applies to business establishment and organizations whereby they take excess loans and their returns from the business is much low and is insufficient to cover up the costs and expenses. They also face bankruptcy
This proverb is therefore an  advice to all that they should tune themselves with income and resources and think twice before expending much more than their personal capacities and not get lured away by persons around.

This proverb thus has  universal application.