Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Appearances are often deceptive

This is a popular proverb that warns us that we should not believe in things and persons merely by their appearances for they are often deceptive. We are living in an age of pomp and show. Everybody is fascinated by the outer appearances. That is why people are running after the glittering outwardly world. Nobody cares to know what actually is behind the curtains. Cunning people take advantage of such people. 

Advertizing companies make very interesting and attractive advertisements. Producers of the products do not care for the quality of the products they only care for the quality of the wrapper. Showy and attractive wrappers fascinate the public but when they use it they regret. In the same manner outer beauty and beautiful dresses also attract the shallow people, sometimes people are deceived by them.

When we meet someone for the first time, we make a judgment based on his external appearance. Our judgment may be wrong. It is just like a wrapper on a chocolate or a gift wrapped, unless and until you don't remove the wrapper you cannot guess what is in the package. After consuming or using the product only you can judge whether you have got true value for the product. 

Hence this proverb is a warning and guides us that we should never arrive at any conclusion about a person in the first meeting. A few encounters will enable us to understand the person. It's better to stay neutral until the moment when you can say for sure that you know this or that person very well to say he is a person who deserves or doesn't deserve faith, understanding or attention. 

So, never judge people by appearances, because appearances are deceptive!