Tuesday, 1 December 2015

An apple a day keeps the Doctor away

Eating an apple every day will keep you in good health, which means the doctor at bay. Why is it that apple is so special compared to other fruits banana, orange, mango etc. The reason is that apple has many properties which no other fruits have. Other fruits have benefits but only specific. Apple is the only fruit which has so many properties all packed in one fruit. Hence since ancient times Apple has occupied such a special preference. 

The properties that an apple has been proved on several instances. An apple has excellent qualities if stored in a cool, dry place. Nutritionally the apple contains no harmful sodium or fat to make a doctor frown. On the contrary it provides vitamins, fiber and boron, an ingredient which aids the body's absorption of calcium, so promoting strong teeth and bones and guarding against osteoporosis. It has also been found that persons who ate apples regularly had improved lung function and did not suffer from lung diseases. 

Apples contain vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals. Apple also contains vitamin C, which is essential to boost the immune system. It also contains a plant chemical which helps the body to treat wounds, and to maintain the muscles. An apple also has antioxidant  properties, which help to prevent free radicals from building up in the body which may destroy healthy cells , this may lead to various chronic disease including cancer. 

Apples have long been associated with a healthful diet. The fruit is low in calories and sodium, and high in fiber and Vitamin C. Apples are one of the healthiest foods available and their regular consumption is linked to a reduced risk of a variety of illnesses. 

It seems that our ancestors were wise indeed, consuming an apple every day can do us nothing but good, unlike other things which we may eat . Many parents use this idiom to get their children to eat apple so that they get healthier. However, eating an apple only is not sufficient. A person should also eat other food and have a balanced diet to keep diseases away and remain healthy. Though this proverb has a lot of relevance, it is not sufficient.

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