Monday, 30 November 2015

After a storm comes calm

It is a principal of nature that one season never remains forever. In the same manner situations also  change one after another. When storm  comes in an ocean, it creates strong winds and heavy rains. It causes a dreadful disturbance. But it all happens for some moments and then after sometimes there prevails a reign of calmness. We see calm everywhere.
This proverb tells us that human life is also like that. Suddenly storm of fate occurs, it disturbs the life for a while  and then disappears. When it passes away on one can believe that storm had ever come. That is why it is said that life is a combination of joys and sorrows. No same situations remain for endless  time. One follows the other it's a sort of circle which moves round and round all the time.
Sufferings come to every human being though the intensity and impact is different for each  and every person. However suffering in the life of human beings is not lifelong they  are followed  by joys. This is why it is true that after the storm comes calm,  so one should never lose heart and should bear it with patience.
It is God's way of giving and taking away from humanity. Life cannot be a bed of roses always. Ups and downs, Joys and Miseries are all part and parcel of life. Just as the storm does not last for long so also miseries do not last for long. Just as a storm is followed by calm, so also in our life turmoil's and disturbances are followed by calm which means  peace.
The World War's the various battles which mankind has been a witness to is a classic example. These bad times have taught humanity as to how destructions and disturbances had to be encountered, however, the aftermath was  peace .
This proverb has a message inbuilt that is do not get carried away with disturbances or bad times in your life, be patient and cool definitely good times are there to follow. Human life is full of tragedies, sorrow, tears, joy, peace and happiness.