Monday, 30 November 2015

Adversity is the touchstone character

Adversity means difficulty, misery, pain, misfortune or bad luck. Touchstone on the hand is a stone which is used  to identify and test the quality of precious metals especially gold. This axiom means that just as touchstone  tests the quality of gold similarly adversities i.e. misfortunes in a person's life tests the real character of a person. The real character of a man is  revealed by his character during adversity. 
In the life of any human being, character plays an important role. A person is judged by the character he keeps. A person can only be tested when he is in misfortune. He should  remain stable in all the situations even if they are full of hardships or adversities.
Misfortunes in life make a man strong in character. They teach us how to lead a life fearlessly even in adverse situations. Those who are determined in their characters can face the problems very easily. To overcome the misfortunes being  disciplined and sincere is very necessary for a person. Integrity of all these virtues is very important for a man of character to fight against adversities. A peep into the  life history of many great personalities like Lincoln,  Gandhi, and Bal Gangadhar Tilak  we come to know that even in the period of crises they did not lose heart. Mahatma Gandhi used to smile in critical situations too. Even when they were in prisons, they wrote very  fame books there. They became great by enduring sufferings and hardships with serenity, patience and discipline. That's why it is true that a character of a person is tested during adversities.
Most great men were born and lived in adversity. It is adversity that shapes persons and brings out the best in himself. It is God's way of testing a person's true character. Tagore wanted his students to lead a life of poverty so that their true character can be revealed, which will  enable them to become  great personalities in life. Surdas, Milton and Homer were blind poets but they wrote immortal verses. It was their misfortune which enabled them to become achievers, their latent  talent was given a strong impetus which enabled them to become renowned poets. Adversities did not keep them back. One cannot forget at this juncture  Shakespeare had many adversities in his life, this never kept him away on the other hand he has written so many classics, which can never be written in these modern days. He is till today remembered as an immortal  writer .  
Adversity shapes persons and enables them to bring the best out of them. It reveals their inner virtues. Adversity and hardships in life makes a person active, it tests his self- confidence and patients. It stimulates his inner self. 

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