Monday, 30 November 2015

All lay loads on a willing horse

In olden days people used to go from one place to another on the backs of the horses. They used to load the things on the horses, sometimes they were overloaded and over burdened by their masters. That is why they are known as beasts of burden. Domesticated horses would never refuse their masters for over loading them. Masters felt no sympathy with them and thought that it was their right to use them as they would like. As a horse can't speak so his master takes undue advantage of his dumbness. They think that if a horse is not refusing it means that he is willing to do all work  for his master.
This maxim is very true for those people who are exploited by their masters. These type of people are found in every sphere of life. Sincere and hard working people are known as willing horses. In the offices subordinates are over-burdened by their bosses, teachers are overloaded by their principals, labor class are exploited by their masters. Any where it can be noticed that the bold members  press the meek ones. Even the maid servants who are sincere are always over-burdened by their employers. It does not mean that  they are foolish enough to tolerate all atrocities.  However they are duty bound, it is their  nature and sincerity that  does not allow them to refuse anything. Hence, they always remain overburdened and this axiom seems so true that  all lay loads on a willing horse.

The  maxim stresses on sincere and committed persons who are always willing and ready to do any work given to them. They believe in being duty bound and do not revolt. It is their good nature that they do not disobey their masters. Here they can be compared to the horses who carry all the burden without bickering. Nowadays it is very common to find such people who are sincere and hardworking and duty conscious , such people are normally exploited. In executing any project also we come across some team members who actually contribute, but when the time comes to give credit , lazy team members who have never contributed anything  are in the forefront. This proverb  does not teach anything but point blankly  puts across a very relevant message which is applicable to a large population.

After a storm comes calm

It is a principal of nature that one season never remains forever. In the same manner situations also  change one after another. When storm  comes in an ocean, it creates strong winds and heavy rains. It causes a dreadful disturbance. But it all happens for some moments and then after sometimes there prevails a reign of calmness. We see calm everywhere.
This proverb tells us that human life is also like that. Suddenly storm of fate occurs, it disturbs the life for a while  and then disappears. When it passes away on one can believe that storm had ever come. That is why it is said that life is a combination of joys and sorrows. No same situations remain for endless  time. One follows the other it's a sort of circle which moves round and round all the time.
Sufferings come to every human being though the intensity and impact is different for each  and every person. However suffering in the life of human beings is not lifelong they  are followed  by joys. This is why it is true that after the storm comes calm,  so one should never lose heart and should bear it with patience.
It is God's way of giving and taking away from humanity. Life cannot be a bed of roses always. Ups and downs, Joys and Miseries are all part and parcel of life. Just as the storm does not last for long so also miseries do not last for long. Just as a storm is followed by calm, so also in our life turmoil's and disturbances are followed by calm which means  peace.
The World War's the various battles which mankind has been a witness to is a classic example. These bad times have taught humanity as to how destructions and disturbances had to be encountered, however, the aftermath was  peace .
This proverb has a message inbuilt that is do not get carried away with disturbances or bad times in your life, be patient and cool definitely good times are there to follow. Human life is full of tragedies, sorrow, tears, joy, peace and happiness.

Adversity is the touchstone character

Adversity means difficulty, misery, pain, misfortune or bad luck. Touchstone on the hand is a stone which is used  to identify and test the quality of precious metals especially gold. This axiom means that just as touchstone  tests the quality of gold similarly adversities i.e. misfortunes in a person's life tests the real character of a person. The real character of a man is  revealed by his character during adversity. 
In the life of any human being, character plays an important role. A person is judged by the character he keeps. A person can only be tested when he is in misfortune. He should  remain stable in all the situations even if they are full of hardships or adversities.
Misfortunes in life make a man strong in character. They teach us how to lead a life fearlessly even in adverse situations. Those who are determined in their characters can face the problems very easily. To overcome the misfortunes being  disciplined and sincere is very necessary for a person. Integrity of all these virtues is very important for a man of character to fight against adversities. A peep into the  life history of many great personalities like Lincoln,  Gandhi, and Bal Gangadhar Tilak  we come to know that even in the period of crises they did not lose heart. Mahatma Gandhi used to smile in critical situations too. Even when they were in prisons, they wrote very  fame books there. They became great by enduring sufferings and hardships with serenity, patience and discipline. That's why it is true that a character of a person is tested during adversities.
Most great men were born and lived in adversity. It is adversity that shapes persons and brings out the best in himself. It is God's way of testing a person's true character. Tagore wanted his students to lead a life of poverty so that their true character can be revealed, which will  enable them to become  great personalities in life. Surdas, Milton and Homer were blind poets but they wrote immortal verses. It was their misfortune which enabled them to become achievers, their latent  talent was given a strong impetus which enabled them to become renowned poets. Adversities did not keep them back. One cannot forget at this juncture  Shakespeare had many adversities in his life, this never kept him away on the other hand he has written so many classics, which can never be written in these modern days. He is till today remembered as an immortal  writer .  
Adversity shapes persons and enables them to bring the best out of them. It reveals their inner virtues. Adversity and hardships in life makes a person active, it tests his self- confidence and patients. It stimulates his inner self.